This is the portrait of a visionary, a politician who followed three objectives in his life, to bring his contemporaries Peace, Freedom and Social Justice. It is the fight of Paul Henri Spaak to build the Europe where we have lived in peace for 75 years.
To achieve this, Spaak participated in the creation of all the major international organizations of his time, after the Second World War.
He was the first President of the UN General Assembly, the first President of the General Assembly of the Council of Europe, the first President of the General Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community, the ECSC, the Secretary General of NATO, the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, the father of the Treaties of Rome, the founding texts of the European Economic Community – EEC and Euratom
Discover how this Belgian with his Brussels’ cheekieness became one of the major figures of the 20th century!
A production by Les Films de la Mémoire, Création & Mémoire, RTBF (Belgian Television)
With the participation of : VRT, Cinématèque de la Communauté Française de Belgique
With the support of : Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Tax Shelter of the Federal Government of Belgium – Decavi, Socacier
ISAN : 0000-0006-68B6-0000-3-0000-0000-S
Additional Information
RTBF | Belgium |
VRT | Belgium |
Watch the French Trailer of Spaak on Vimeo
The Film
Please contact us if you are interested in the English version of the film.
Film Reviews
Press Comments
Un portrait passionnant de Paul-Henri Spaak. Découvrez comment ce Belge à la gouaille toute bruxelloise est devenu l’une des figures majeures du XXe siècle !
December 2022MOUSTIQUE
Ce documentaire … est particulièrement éclairant tant il permet de se replonger dans la Belgique du XXe siècle à travers le parcours d’un personnage à la fois truculent et passionné.
Je l'ai trouvé très intéressant, très vivant, une alliance bien équilibrée entre l'aspect humain et la grande politique internationale.