From Auschwitz to Jerusalem tells the story of Jewish children, hidden children, who were often baptized during the war in order to survive the genocide. At the end of the war, many of these children, now orphaned, were recovered by the Jewish Agency and placed in gathering camps in Belgium. A long – both symbolic and real – journey in search of their lost identity then began for them. This clandestine journey would take them to Palestine.
A production by Les Films de la Mémoire, Inedithing SA, RTBF
With the support of: European Union 16/9 Action Plan, Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Communauté Française de Belgique, Fonds Spécial de la Communauté Française de Belgique, MEDIA Program of the European Union
Additional Information
Festivals and Awards
XXIInd International Art Film Festival - Maison de l'UNESCO - Paris | France | Grand Prix for Historical Films |
France 3 Alsace | France |
RTBF | Belgium |
TEL AD | Israel |
Watch From Auschwitz to Jerusalem on Vimeo
The Film
Film Reviews
Press Comments
Le Soir
Un documentaire émouvant…
D'Auschwitz à Jérusalem raconte avec pudeur l'aventure humaine peu connue d'enfants juifs de Belgique, orphelins, survivants de la guerre qui, bravant les dangers de la clandestinité, ont émigré en Palestine (…).
Noam Perelman
May 1998Moustique
Ce documentaire est une leçon de vie donnée par des jeunes qui ont voulu retrouver leurs racines après la tourmente de la guerre.