David Susskind: Story of a Mensch is the portrait of a man, actor and witness, who, in order to keep the promise he made to his mother, has dedicated his life to the fight for humanity. David Susskind is a wrestler. He is an explosive mixture: visionary and pragmatic, naive and calculating, patriarch and political animal, authoritarian and generous. Active in all the great Jewish struggles of the last 60 years, he lived his entire life following his convictions and transmitting his values of openness and peace.
Produced by: Création & Mémoire, Les Films de la Mémoire, Gsara, Parallèles Productions, De Joodse Omroep, Lichtpunt, Lecobel, Careers in Europe, Immo 2000David Susskind: Story of a Mensch
With the support of : Brussels Region, Cobo Fund, Tax Shelter
Additional Information
Jewish Eye Film Festival - Ashqelon | Israel |
Jewish Motifs International Film Festival - Varsovie | Poland |
DE JOODSE OMROEP | Netherlands |
LICHTPUNT | Belgium |
RTBF | Belgium |
Watch David Susskind: Story of a Mensch on Vimeo
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Film Reviews
Press Comments
La Libre Culture
Dans un documentaire émouvant, Willy Perelsztejn dresse un portrait biographique de David Susskind, véritable mémoire de la Shoah.
R. V.
May 2007Le Vif
Le documentaire que Willy Perelsztejn consacre à cette figure majeure de l'histoire de notre pays est passionnant, mais aussi émouvant quand il évoque la rafle qui lui enleva, sur le seuil d'une maison d'Anvers, sa maman, victime du génocide nazi.
L. D.
May 2007MAD Le Soir
Enfant de l’étoile jaune, David Susskind n’a pas oublié d’où il vient. Cet émouvant documentaire en forme de portrait est là pour le rappeler.